Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Good Morning To You!

"Joy! Joy! It is another Beautiful Day in which to Excel!"
My Father woke up up every morning by bursting into my room, flipping on the lights, and shouting this phrase- which twenty years later still rings in my ears.
I wish I could kick off my sheets every day and hustle out of bed like it's Christmas Morning, but as my loving Fiancee would tell you, the Snooze Button and I have a close personal relationship and usually spend our mornings catching up- about every nine minutes for 63 minutes...
When Dads catch phrase fails to inspire me, the one thing that DOES help me out of the bed and into the world, is a darling little invention called Nespresso.
Hold on a second, let me put on my advertising hat, unfortunately I do not think I wear it as well as say...George Clooney?
Yes, that is right, Mr. Sexy Salt and Pepper himself is a huge fan. Or at least Nespresso has paid him to be a big fan. They have not paid me, although I would gladly accept a fee for my endorsement. So here's the deal:
The espresso comes in these tidy little capsules
And all you have to do is place it into the handy dandy machine, and voila! Within mere seconds you have a delicious cup of Good Morning Sunshine!
Now I must be off, for it IS another Beautiful Day in which to Excel!

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