Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dream Big

The future belongs to those

Who believe in the power and beauty

Of their dreams.

-Mark Twain

I have been promising "big exciting changes" for awhile now, and I promise they are still coming! I am working on the formatting of the site as well as the logo and hopefully things will be looking spiffy soon!

One of my fellow bloggers asked me how I would define the blog in three words or less, and really the best I could come up with to describe the sometimes schizofrenic array of topics that I devote time to on the site is, "Following Your Bliss". Whatever that may be. I love that the blog is a place that I can explore all of my varied interests and learn and get feedback from all of you.

I find working on Peppermint Bliss to be incredibly fulfilling and I would love this blog to turn into something that I could call a real job.
I said it.
I am putting it out into the Universe.

I know that sounds crazy- and it is scary to put yourself out there and try to do something a lot of people do not necessarily understand. Throughout this experience I have been really inspired by some people around me who have actually had the courage to branch out on their own and Follow Their Bliss, and who have had enormous success by making their own dreams come true.

I realized that there are a lot of us out there who have had trouble finding jobs, or who have unfulfilling jobs, and there are also a lot of people who have a great idea or dream that they would love to pursue...if only...

SO as inspiration to all of my fellow "if only-ers" I thought I would bring you the stories of some of our peers who have gone out there and in a new section that I will call Career Bliss. I have a few great interviews lined up with some young entrepreneaurs, but I am always on the lookout for more!

If you know of anyone who has inspired you by persuing their dreams, please email me and let me know!

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