Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Friday!

SO I hesitated posting this weeks Happy Friday video when it was sent to me by the lovely Madison. Several of my other blogger friends had posted it (Kathleen) and the last thing I want to do is steal content from my colleages. HOWEVER, considering the chance that a single human out there didn't get to see this absolutely adorable nugget, I felt it was my duty to bring it to the masses one more time.

This song is just SO damn catchy. Not to mention SUPER fun to dance to with some bling on your left hand (thanks again Petey!). In fact, I think the first thing I am going to do once I regain the full use of my left foot is to learn the dance in its entirety.
I thought I couldn't love this tune more, and then yesterday whilst perusing the internets, one of my fave blogs, Lake Jane, brought us this gorgeous and fun version!

Happy Friday Indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bailey! Great blog and thanks for the mention!
    Marie-Eve @ LAKE JANE
