Thursday, October 1, 2009

I did it for the Halibut

"It was reported that a man in Oregon broke into the Aquatic Zoo and attempted to steal several of the marine species housed there.
When asked 'Why'?
The man responded,
'I did it for the halibut.'"

Get it? Halibut. Helluvit.
It might be one of those jokes you have to tell face to face.
Or maybe its just not funny.
Here is my (aka my mom's) Halibut recipe:

What you will need:

Cayenne Pepper
Ground White Pepper
6-7 ounce fillets of Halibut (have the fish monger skin and debone)

Frying pan
Stove Top
Aluminum Foil
Non stick cooking spray

1. Place frying pan on the burner and turn heat to "high"

2. Take aluminum foil and tear off a large square, one for each piece of halibut you plan to make. Coat with non stick cooking spray.

3. Place 1 piece of fish on each section of foil.

4. Spread about 1/3 a cup of mayo (trust me even if you hate mayo, Pete HATES mayo, you will still like this). Even though it looks like a lot of mayo, really coat the fish, it will keep it from burning and make it taste yummy.

5. Sprinkle the top with a pinch of salt and pepper, and a BIG pinch of ground white pepper and cayenne pepper.

6. Cover that with a generous heap of cilantro...more than you might think you need.

7. Bring together the sides of the foil and roll down towards the fish seeling up the sides, seel 'em up tight so nothing can get out, until you make a little canoe like seal around each individual piece of fish.

8. Place the fish canoe on the frying pan which is now smokin' hot, leave for 10-12 minutes.

9. Ta-DA!!!!

It tastes a lot yummier than it looks here, I am not a food photographer. I served mine with roasted carrots and truffle parmesan risotto- which I will share the recipe for later! Try it out, I have never written a recipe before so let me know how it worked! It's one of our favorite dinners, SO easy and no cleanup! Enjoy!

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