So as usual I think I am late to the party on this one...But can we talk about the concept of the Flash Mob here for a second!? My mind is officially blown.
For those of you still in the dark, Wikipedia defines The Flash Mob as: A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse. The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails
Still confused? Please let the flash mob speak for itself.
okkkk I'm obsessed with these too!!! It all started almost a year ago thanks to T-Mobile's ad campaigns in the UK (I was in london at the time of their sing-along but i missed it). Check out the links I'm posting below they are FAB!!! The Oprah thang was sponsored by T-Mobile too...
enjoyyy!!! :)