Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Puppies Behind Bars

In honor of our veterans, I encourage you all to head over to Puppies Behind Bars and make a donation to this amazing program.

The program has prison inmates train puppies to be guide dogs for
wounded veterans. The cost of training these dogs is usually prohibitive, $25,000, and the need for these dogs is high as they are particularly
well suited for the PTSD that so many of our veterans suffer from.
Good gets better as the experience of training the puppies has shown to be rehabilitative for the prisoners as well.
Those that owe the most society giving back to those who society owes
the most too.
I love America.

1 comment:

  1. written under the first woman's name to pop up it says, Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. I'd just like to point out, that I live in Bedford. hahaha
