So I think we are the point in our blogger/reader relationship where it is appropriate and necessary to divulge some information I have been keeping from y'all these past few months. Anyone who knows me well knows I have this other rarely seen side, and while I am certainly not ashamed of it, it is something I choose to keep to myself until I am really comfortable with someone. I think now we are on that level so I am just going to come out with it...
I am a huge Britney Spears fan.
I mean, really huge. As in I have seen her Circus tour three times so far, and have just signed up for my fourth show when she brings it back for the encore this Fall. And I don't just attend these shows, I take it upon myself to become a part of the Circus in both mind and body, and have even been featured 3 times on as a result- the visual proof will come later in this post. I take great pride in this fact.
Well meaning friends and family often try to understand my deep, abiding love of B.Spears, and although I am truly convicted in my fandom, I find it hard to explain.
It all started in 1998. I was sitting in my bff Elizabeth's kitchen when I first heard those cords: "Der dun dun...Oh babay babay...Der dun dun..." It was like hearing the call from the mothership and I ran over to the tiny 5 inch TV on the counter and stuck my face right up to the screen. I sat there cross eyed taking in the spectacle, three minutes and 31 seconds later I was deeply, deeply in love.
My bond became deeper a few years later when, fueled by the inspiration of her complete babe-ness in the "I'm A Slave For You" video, I started working out, adopted the motto WWBD? What Would Britney Do? (Well, she would probably not quit running after 47 seconds and go have a snack!) And lost about 30 very necessary pounds.
A few years back, when things started to go a bit haywire for Britney, I could often be heard explaining to someone who made the mistake of bringing up the topic about how if I could only meet her, I would totally set her straight. I just feel like we would get along, and I could reason with her (Britney, you can either go braless, or barefoot...but not both!). We would call each other "B" or something adorable like that, and sit around in jorts and messy buns, eating grits and it would all just be magical.
I say this all in a tongue-in-cheek, I am just sane enough to recognize how insane it is that I love her so, but despite any jokes I might make I am completely earnest in my devotion. So when it came time for her to go out on tour I harnessed all my energy into meeting my idol.
You know how when you were little your parents would say: "you can do anything if you set your mind to it"? I think I heard "you can do anything if you set your mind to it...and wear the right outfit". Inspired by the photos from her early shows, I had my own versions of her tour costumes made, and headed out to the Circus completely decked in my finest BritBrit attire. I actually convinced myself that the lady herself, or one of her people, would see my devotion and decide that Britney just HAD to meet me.

Alas, it was not to be. Although, as I mentioned before, I was featured on,

and met Lindsay Lohan at the LA show:
I never got to meet my girl. Hopefully I will have better luck when she visits Chicago in September. Either way I will be front row center, just as excited to take in the spectacle as I have been each time before. This time Petey will be there sharing the experience with me, maybe he will catch the Britney fever too!
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