There are few things that fill me with a greater sense of pride than the honor of living in a country with a military like ours. There are no words to describe the gratitude I feel in my heart for the men and women who serve in the United States Military, so instead I will leave you with the following videos.
If you don't weep like a wee little baby then you may want to go to the doctor to make sure that you do, in fact, have a beating heart sustaining you.
I am not ashamed to admit this is what I looked like watching them:

And yes I am wearing a shirt you sicko. It's 80 degrees in Houston, a tank top is appropriate.
More videos here.
Bailey, I expect a similar greeting from Bella when I return home.
I just have to thank you for putting that beautiful sobbing picture of yourself up there on the internets to share with the know, kind of like the dozens of similar photos of me the night of your engagement-hahaha love you!
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