Most experts would agree when I say the cupcake really burst back onto to scene at Magnolia Bakery in New York, and received a boost when it was name-checked in the popular SNL bit, Lazy Sunday.
Soon after I think the wedding industry began taking notice, and the cupcake tower became a popular feature at receptions across the country.

Sprinkles in LA then brought the cupcake to the West Coast, which is when I think things really "jumped off".

Houston has Crave, Austin has Hey Cupcake, Chicago has some place called Molly's Cupcakeswhich offers cupcakes with fillings like cookie dough, and I can tell you first hand thanks to the lovely J.Hottie, are delicious.
Now the cupcake seems to be exploring merchandizing opportunities.

{Cupcake cake pan so you can bake a full sized cake that looks like a cupcake...confusing}

{Cupcake floss...why not?}

{Cupcake hat...I have one in pink, don't worry}

{Cupcake bandaids}
I share my fellow blogger and friend Kathleen's affinity for cupcakes, although I rarely find an occasion where I am feeling confident enough in my bod to indulge in these individually frosted delights. However, if I were to treat myself, I know exactly where I would go.

Located DANGEROUSLY close to Clifford The Big Red House on Webster in Lincoln Park, Sweet Mandy B's has what it takes to ride the wave of a downturn in the cupcake market because it has diversified its business into big cakes, cookies, brownies, a diabetics dream. What's more, Sweet Mandy B's doesn't rely on any gimmicks. Their cupcakes are just delicious. So delicious they get you high. It's true. I have seen it. Their snickerdoodle cookie will also knock your pants off.
Bella the dog once weasled her way up onto the counter by some unknown feats of strength just to get her muzzle into an empty box of Sweet Mandy B's. For real.

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