Q: What is the first color you see in the morning?
A: Right now the white walls of our rental.
Last year? Orange in my house in Houston.
Year before, pink in Austin.
Next year? Green.
Q:What color are your eyes?
A: Brown

Q: What color do you wear the most?
A: Probably white, I have about 30 white T-Shirts and am constantly in the market for a new one. Mostly because I stain, and ruin, white T-Shirts at an alarming rate.

Q: What color do you never wear?
A: Beige/kakhi
Q: What color do you wear when you want to feel confident?
A: I would say pink, or red, but the truth is I rarely wear pink or red. Probably brown, as in my favorite cowboy boots. Especially now that I am living up in the cold blue northern, wearing them makes me instantly feel at home.

Q: What color gets you the most compliments?
A: Hmm I don't know...I tend to dress like a two year old child, so I get more "comments" than "compliments". When I asked my fiancee what colors he likes me in he said "Green or Blue prob." I do not believe I own many green or blue items. It might be time to go shopping.
A: Hmm I don't know...I tend to dress like a two year old child, so I get more "comments" than "compliments". When I asked my fiancee what colors he likes me in he said "Green or Blue prob." I do not believe I own many green or blue items. It might be time to go shopping.

Q: What color is your lipstick?
A: I don't really wear lipstick, typically my lips are a mix of whatever lipglosses/chapsticks are floating around in my purse, but the goal is usually a pinky hue. Swoonderful by Benefit is usually a good bet.
A: I don't really wear lipstick, typically my lips are a mix of whatever lipglosses/chapsticks are floating around in my purse, but the goal is usually a pinky hue. Swoonderful by Benefit is usually a good bet.
Q: What color was your living room growing up?
A: I am not sure, I think Megalou might have been caught up in the Beige-Rage around that time. Currently my living room at my parents house is yellow. This bright yellow living room has been in my "favorites" file forever.
A: I am not sure, I think Megalou might have been caught up in the Beige-Rage around that time. Currently my living room at my parents house is yellow. This bright yellow living room has been in my "favorites" file forever.
Q: What color was your bedroom growing up?

A: Pink, pink bow wallpaper at my first house, and then a slightly orangey-er pink stucco later on. I do not have images of either, but would have greatly enjoyed this room as a child- and as an adult.
Q: What color are your sheets?

A: White, always white with some sort of monogram. It's the southerner in me.

Q: What color was favorite crayon as a child?
A: Pink
A: Pink
Q: What color is your car?
A: Yellow. With Daisy Magnets.
A: Yellow. With Daisy Magnets.
Q: What color was your prom dress?
A: White, and slightly inappropriate.

Q: What is your favorite flower?

A: Pink Peonies. White peonies, like these gorgeous specimens from my future mother-in-laws garden do the trick as well.
{Loving fiance brought me these gorge flowers from his mother garden, she never ceases to amaze me, judge, mother, and horticulturalist!?!?}
Q: What color makes you happiest?
A: Pink. Definitely pink. In (almost) all shades and all applications. While in the past as a single gal I was able to use my favorite color with abandon, I almost relish it more now that I have to sneak it into rooms without offending my husband-to-be.

Q: What color depresses you?
A: Beige seems to have become the go-to color for classy interiors. I hate beige and the word classy equally. This is what comes up when you google "classy" and "beige" together.

Q: What color calms you?
A: Although such dark colors usually do not find their way into my decorating, I really enjoy the look of a navy or peacock blue room, preferably with a high gloss paint finish. This room just looks like a fine, upstanding, American citizen.

Q: What color makes you grind your teeth?

So...What have we learned through this little exercise? I really enjoy pink and bright colors, I do not so much enjoy beige/kahki. Surprisingly, I guess White is up there as one of my favorite "colors", so long as it is a jumping off point for showcasing other colors and accessories.
A: I generally do not enjoy white. Yes, white can look pure and cottagey and beauteous with the right fabrics, textures, accessories, but if one more decorating magazine posts a picture of a cold white pod and expects me to marvel over the "design", I am going to have to direct them to the nearest hospital to marvel over a sterile, white, cold operating room. Same thing. I have not saved any images of said white rooms over time, because I dislike them, but I will post an image of white that soothes my soul.
There is absolutely nothing offensive about a bright, white dressing room:
I could be the Barefoot Contessa in such a crisp, white kitchen.
Clean, white bathroom? V. pure

Q: What color would you like to try, but are scared to?
A: If you have ever been to my house in Austin, you would know that very few colors scare me. Turquoise living room with watermelon red couch?
{My Living Room in Austin}
No problem.
Neon green dining room?
{My dining room in Austin}
There are some colors, or rather shades of color, I am frightened of, but mostly because they are ugly. That said, the color I would most like to try but am scared to is a high gloss black.

so classy bails! uhh humm
tiz mayzr btw
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