But let's start from the beginning. A driver came to pick Petey and I up at 4:00 so that we could make it to the venue in time for the VIP party and backstage tour. We were circling the venue a bit when we got there, unable to figure out where we were supposed to go, when all of a sudden we got caught in this crazy maelstrom of MIB (men in black) and a caravan of black shiney sedans and escalades, I look out my window, and see Ms. Spears herself being escorted into the venue. We were separated by merely two panes of glass...which come to think of it is probably more separate than we are during the concert...but nonetheless, it was a great omen of things to come!
We finally located the VIP checkin and I give the woman at the door my name, look up, and nearly choke on my tongue. It was FE!!!!!!

All you true BritBrit fans out there will remember Felicia Culotta as Britney's beloved guardian/assistant from her early days.

You may also know her from her role as the teacher during the Baby One More Time video...

When Britney started having some troubles a few years ago Felicia either left or was asked to leave, who knows, but she always remained completely loyal to our girl, and now she is back! I didn't really know what to do with myself, I chatted her up for a minute about our mutual southern-ness before heading off on the backstage tour, kicking myself the whole time for not cutting to the chase.
I thought I had missed my golden opportunity, but when we returned she was still there, working the room. I grabbed Pete, and being the Good Sport he is, he agreed to take a picture of me with her.
"Um...are you Felicia...?"
"Why yes I am!!!!"
Surprisingly, I don't think anyone else had recognized her yet! She gave me a huge hug, and we took a picture:
And talked for about 10 minutes all about Britney! She talked to me about JJ and SPF who she said call her Auntie Fi, and that she took this gig because although she has been on the road with Britney since the beginning, she hasn't had as much interaction with the fans, and that she wanted to be able to go tell Britney before the shows about all the people she met and how excited they were! She also told me:
"You know Bailey, I prayed for so long that the world would get to know my girl. And for awhile I was afraid that I had prayed her an injustice. But she is doing o.k. I just want her to know how much people really love her."
I'm gonna geek out here for a minute, ok I know I have been geeking out this whole post, but still.
For a fan like me, that exchange was like the greatest gift EVER! Because if you are a REAL Britney fan you really do love her, and worry about her, and celebrate her success as your own.
Basically, if you are a real Britney fan, you are a freak, but I am ok with that.
Now onto the show...
As always, it was AMAZING. There were a ton of great changes, which made it new and exciting for me even on my fourth time around. Plus, it was really great being able to share it with Pete, who was completely blown away.
I'll let him tell you for himself...
"The Britney Spears I came to love, and hate, exemplified the crazy, bald umbrella wielding pill addict married to that hunk of a man, Kevin Federline. I wholly anticipated she would wiggle and sway back and forth much like the VMAs from 2 years ago. I was wrong. The show was actually awesome, and more so like cirque de soleil than a regular concert. Yeah, she lipsyncs the entire time, but she looked ridiculously hot and wore next to nothing all while dancers and clowns flipped through the air. Add some alcohol and it was a sweet concert. I'm not ashamed."-PMcC
I don't like anyone speaking about Britney like that, and I think he may have missed the emotional experience I had, but the fact remains, my girl won even the biggest skeptic over last night!
She sang a cover of Alanis Morisette "You Oughtta Know" which was 90s overload for me, too much joy.
I am sad that my days at the Circus are over and that Britney and I still haven't met. But I am keeping the faith, it'll happen one day. Until then I am left with some great memories, and my motto:
1 comment:
Love you blog Bailey!!!! I am a huge BritBrit fan also...cant wait to see what she does at the VMA's this year!! I will continue to check out the blog for sure...I have some fun friends in Chicago that Berry and I went on Semester at Sea with....would love to introduce yall. I am a big fan of the blog, xo!
- Lauren Clark
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