Keeping with our French theme today, I simply could not forget to mention the late great Julia Child. Although I did not cook any of her recipes on Wednesday (I am a scaredy cat) I consider my copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking one of my kitchen essentials.

I also consider Julie & Julia one of my life essentials- not really- but it is quite a pleasurable read and definitely part of the required curriculum for all aspiring blogstresses. Or even if you aren't an aspiring blogstress, it is a pretty hillarious account of 20-something life in the big city, plus she cusses like a banshee which I at least find entertaining. I haven't seen the movie yet (Pete...) BUT I love Nora Ephron (who adapted the original blog and the stories of Julia Child into the film- and wrote the hilarious I Feel Bad About My Neck, amongst other things) so I am sure it does the book justice.
Annyywaaay, if you are interested in dabbling in a little French cooking, or would like to pay homage to the J.C. (the chef not the savior) then NPR has an interesting article on Nora Ephron's favorite J.C. recipes.
Furthermore, if you live in or around the D.C. metro area, I understand it is a bit chilly and damp there these days (I feel your pain) you can head over to the Smithsonian to see the exhibit of Child's kitchen, and then maybe out to a lovely French dinner for a fun filled weekend sheltered from the elements.
Sooo I hope you enjoyed this complete flow of consciousness post, I think the work day might have fried my brain.
Bon Appetite!
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