If you are reading this from Texas, you already know that tomorrow is Texas vs. Ou. In fact, you are probably in Dallas at the State Fair eating fried butter in your burnt orange waiting for UT's dominance to unfold tomorrow and doing a happy dance like this money maker.
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I am jealous.
For my fellow Texas fans who find themselves stranded in cities where everyone around you does NOT know and celebrate the Red River Rivalry, I direct you to your local Texas Exes Chapter to find a nearby watering hole where you can surround yourself with the best and brightest in your area to watch the game.
For Chicago that means one of two places. Brownstone Tavern or Stanley's Kitchen and Tap.

Brownstone Tavern is the official home of the Chicago Texas Exes and is opening its doors tomorrow at 9 am for Kegs & Eggs before the game.

Stanley's Kitchen and Tap is located in Lincoln Park dangerously close to my current residence (dangerous mostly because of their all you can eat buffets on Sunday. Waffles shaped like canoes to better hold the whipped cream=death by syrrup. Yes I am a total fat kid.) is the "unofficial" and in my humble opinion, way awesomer, choice for Texas Football in Chicago. It is less crowded (Brownstone is hell for fellow clausterphobes) but definitely not less festive. I went last week and was gifted with an XXXL Texas shirt which I happily wore all evening. They serve Bevo's Brew (Texas Tea) and Orange Bud Light, as well as probably the best breakfast in Chicago. That is where I will be.
Fun Fact: The couple who lives next door to me here in Chicago? One went to OU and one went to A&M.
Epic Fail.
Aren't quite sure why OU Sucks?
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