Keeping with our Halloween Theme this week, I have been asked a lot lately for Halloween Costume Ideas. Is it just me or does everyone feel a little uninspired this year? AND Halloween falls on a Saturday this year! What is wrong with us? Is it something in the air? Or are we (horror of all horrors) getting old and boring?
I refuse to admit defeat, so I bring you a few topical and funny (I don't do slutty Halloween- sorry) costume ideas!
I think by far the three most popular costumes this year (think last years Sarah Palin and Moose combo) will be
1. Octomom

2. Balloon Boy

3. Kate Gosselin

Or you could just go AS a tabloid.

Home made twitter...Like an updated version of the Facebook costume trend of 2005

Intense Twitter...

Another big headline of 2009...Swine Flu!

Where the Wild Things Are

What I Wore has some great ideas that can be executed out of ones own closet!
Karl Lagerfeld

Frida Kahlo




Any grown up man-childs dream costume!

Still not inspired?
Try looking to some of the biggest news stories and break out stars of 2009!
Lady Gaga

Susan Boyle

Cheslea "Sully" Sullenberger

Vh1 Reality Show Contestant

Patrick Swayze in dirty dancing, great couples costume opportunity!

MJ, obv.

Or how about a character from your favorite movie this year? Hangover anyone?

Hopefully this helps get your juices flowing...It's not really about coming up with something no one would expect, although that is fantastic as well, just pick something funny/creative and really commit, put your signature spin on it, make it your own!
Anyone out there with more great costume ideas they would be willing to share, leave them in the comments!
The OCTO-Mom is Hilarious!!
Great posting
Halloween being an all-age day of festivities, it gives chance to people from all ages to dress up as their favorite characters and go trick-or-treating. Two years ago, me and my friends dressed up as various wrestlers, I went as Triple H wearing my human hair wigs that resembles his hairstyle. With different wigs such as the front lace wigs and your imagination, the possibilities are endless.
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